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The Latest Healthy Diet Trends

Picture this: after over a year of having had to deal with the craziness of COVID-19, where you stayed inside for way too long, binge-watched Netflix, and had cocktail hours every weekend with friends over Zoom, you’re thinking about your health. After all, summer is around the corner and everyone’s suddenly going out again. You want to feel your best, and depending on your goals, you might also want to look your best. There are many diet trends available if you want to feel healthier this year. But how do you find the best one for you?

With so many trending diets out there, you might feel overwhelmed deciding which one is best for you. That’s why we’ve put together this article. In it, we’ll cover the latest healthy diet trends of 2021.

Finally, you can start to eat better and feel great. Read on to learn more.

The Improved Immune System Diet

One of the new diets in 2021 is the improved immune system diet. Because many people were wondering what to eat so that they might more easily fight COVID-19 if they were to catch it, this diet came into existence and became popular immediately.

It’s not a surprise, considering that the World Health Organization released information saying that having a balanced diet is key to having a strong immune system.

So people started stocking up on foods containing lots of Vitamin E, such as avocados and nuts. They also bought foods with high Vitamin C content, such as broccoli and grapefruits.

Other popular foods in this type of diet include garlic, eggs, green tea, and elderberries.

By the way, if you love to sunbathe, then you’re in luck. Getting sun raises your Vitamin D level.

The Keto “Lite” Diet

The Keto diet has been quite popular for some time. This is because, when people restrict the number of carbs that are going into their body and control other types of food that cause weight gain, their body goes into ketosis.

When ketosis occurs, your body starts to burn fat instead of carbs because there aren’t any carbs to burn away.

However, many people find that this diet is a bit too intense for them to handle. Additionally, there’s something called the “keto flu,” which occurs close to the beginning of the diet. According to Harvard Health Publishing, you might experience:

  • Constipation
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Nausea
  • Irritability
  • Fatigue

Additionally, you might experience a foggy brain or headaches. So even though the keto diet is incredibly effective for weight loss, it might be too extreme or these issues might not be worth having to go through if you want to feel healthy at the start.

For this reason, keto “lite” diets have become popular diets. With these diets, you’re eating high protein, moderate fat, very low sugars, and a limit of 4 grams of net carbs.

This is easier to handle, and you’ll still be able to lose some weight because of the low intake of carbs and sugar.

Keep in mind that one of the drawbacks of this diet is that you might end up eating a large amount of meat. This has sometimes been linked to issues with certain cancers and heart disease.

You also still might experience a bit of fatigue in the beginning because of the low level of carbs you’re consuming.

The Paleo Diet

One of the most popular diets for some time that’s still going strong is the paleo diet. This diet is inspired by how we ate as cavepeople. This means that you can only eat the type of animal flesh that could be caught in nature and hunter-gatherer-style vegetables and fruits.

When it comes to meats, this includes chicken, fish, lamb, etc., though if you want to be hardcore about it, these animals would not be able to be raised on a farm. Instead, they would have to be hunted animals.

As for the vegetables and fruits, these might include berries or other naturally-growing plants. Nuts are acceptable as well.

You’ll want to avoid any processed foods, sugar, corn, wheat, and grains since these are more modern and involve farming and overproduction.

The Flexitarian Diet

Many people prefer, for the most part, to eat vegetables whenever possible. They also cut down on animal products that are vegetarian, such as milk and eggs. This is often because they care about the well-being of the animals involved.

Additionally, many people find that they prefer a vegetable-based diet because it feels to them like they are eating well.

However, many people still want to enjoy meat or animal products if they’re at a fancy restaurant or at a party where there aren’t many plant-based options.

In this case, they might eat some animal products. This is why the diet is called “flexitarian”—it’s flexible.

If you decide you want to go for this diet, it might help to create a meal plan that works for you. Here’s a flexitarian meal plan to help you get started.

Intermittent Fasting

Another diet trend that has been popular for a while and that’s still going strong is intermittent fasting. Many people who use this diet argue that you can lose weight while on it because you aren’t eating in the traditional way where you find yourself snacking often.

There are many different ways to do intermittent fasting, but one of the most popular versions is the 16/8 format.

When you do this type of intermittent fasting, you eat every 8 hours and fast for 16. Depending on how intense you want to be, you might eat only once a day.

To learn more about the different intermittent fasting schedules, check out these 6 popular schedules.

The Mediterranean Diet

Another popular diet is the Mediterranean diet. This diet became popular when studies began to come out demonstrating that people who lived in the Mediterranean tended to have fewer lifestyle diseases and problems, such as strokes, diabetes, and heart attacks.

When you do the Mediterranean diet, you’re consuming extra virgin olive oil, seafood, seeds, nuts, whole grains, legumes, fruits, and vegetables (especially tomatoes).

But you can still enjoy some foods that many diets cut out, such as refined grains, processed meats, and sugars.

This might not be the best choice if you want to lose weight quickly. However, if you want to enjoy your food while generally having a healthier lifestyle that will benefit you in the long term, this is a great choice for you.

The DASH Diet

If high blood pressure and heart disease run in your family, then the DASH diet might be a way that you can help prevent having these health issues now or in the future. DASH actually stands for “Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension.”

Because a high amount of sodium has a negative effect on your blood pressure, this diet is very low-sodium.

The traditional DASH limit is 2,300 milligrams daily, and if you’re on a more controlled DASH diet, the limit is 1,500 milligrams daily.

Outside of the sodium limits, this is a traditionally healthy diet, which means you should be usually eating nuts, poultry, whole grains, fish, fruits, and vegetables.

The Low FODMAP Diet

One of the diets that has been becoming more popular recently is the low FODMAP diet. This is a diet that is usually used by people who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome, popularly known as IBS. FODMAP stands for what you can’t eat on the diet.

Or, at least, what you should keep to low levels to prevent any IBS-related health issues.

The “FO” stands for Fermentable Oligossachardies (such as legumes and wheat), and the “D” stands for Disaccharides (such as yogurt and milk).

The “MA” stands for Monosaccharides (such as the majority of fructose-containing fruits, honey, and figs).

The “P” stands for Polyols (such as lychees and blackberries). If you suffer from IBS and want to keep your bloating and gas more under control, switching the low FODMAP diet can help.

Keep in mind, however, that if you’re choosing a diet so you can lose weight, there’s no reason to switch to this diet. This will limit your choices and make it more difficult for you to reach your weight loss goals.

The MIND Diet

The MIND diet is a healthy diet trend that’s here to stay. It stands for “Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurogenitive Delay.” So it’s a combination of the DASH and Mediterranean diets with a focus on preventing brain health issues.

The idea behind this diet is that it can help prevent diseases like Alzheimer’s and other types of dementia.

This diet includes low sodium, low-fat dairy, wild-caught fish, nuts, whole grains, veggies, and fruits. Additionally, it includes Omega 3s, broccoli, dark chocolate, and turmeric—all foods that help with brain health.

If any brain health issues run in your family or you want to be extra cautious as you get older, the MIND diet can be great for helping prevent brain health issues in addition to being generally healthy.

The Volumetrics Diet

Another popular diet is the volumetrics diet. The idea behind this diet is that you’re consuming foods that have a large volume but low calories so that when you’ve finished eating them, you feel full even though you haven’t consumed too much.

Veggies that are non-starchy are popular with this diet, as well as broths. You’ll also be hydrating often and eating a large amount of spinach and kale.

The Whole30 Diet

Another diet that has become quite popular is the Whole30 diet. When you do this diet, you reset your body for 30 days. It’s a challenge that many people do together. During these 30 days, you’ll avoid eating any of the following:

  • Dairy
  • Legumes
  • Grains
  • Alcohol
  • Sugar

What you can eat includes tree nuts, coconut oil, natural fats such as vegetable oil, fruit, veggies, eggs, seafood, and meat. Basically, you’re taking out the more unhealthy parts of your diet (or those that cause weight gain) and keeping the healthy in.

This can be a great way to get your body used to healthy eating again. So if you’ve been quite unhealthy the past few months because of the pandemic, this can be a great way to restart.

It’s also useful if you want to stop drinking for a while and see weight loss results.

There are some drawbacks to this diet. For one thing, it might be easy to slip up once you’ve done all 30 days, binging a ton of food and losing a lot of the results you’ve seen.

Generally, diets are better if they’re a lifestyle choice than a temporary change.

Additionally, the Whole30 Diet can only be effective if you plan in advance. Otherwise, you might find that you’re eating the same thing every day, which will make sticking to the diet less sustainable.

Need More Diet Trends and Dieting Health Information?

Now that you’ve learned about the latest healthy diet trends, you might need more information about these trends or dieting health. Maybe you want help putting together a schedule that will work for you, now that you’ve chosen the right diet.

Or maybe you want tips on what vitamins you can take to improve your dietary health.

Whatever information you need, we can help. At 90 Day Meds, we’re experts when it comes to health. We also have many medications available that you might need.

To learn more about how we can help you, contact us now.

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