See what others are saying about us.

At Canadian Pharmacy Online, we go the extra mile for our customers both in the United States and Canada. Our mission is to make it easy to get the prescription medications you need to remain healthy while ensuring quality and safety. We believe our attention to detail and superior customer service sets us apart from the crowd, and our customers seem to agree! 

Our customers love that they know what to expect from us and continue to make us their preferred online pharmacy. If you are interested in learning more about what makes us one of the best Canadian online pharmacies, check out our trusted online pharmacy reviews below. We have other a 1,000 positive customer reviews with an overall 4.8/5 rating.

If you have used and loved our service, please let us know! We rely on our Canadian pharmacy reviews to know what we are getting right and where we can improve. Email us anytime or leave a review so we can continue to provide excellent service. 

How to submit a review Share your experience and let us know how we did.


Make A Purchase

If you’re wanting to leave your own feedback to help future customers, we love that! The first step in leaving us a review is to order one of our products. You can browse through our medications and find the exact prescription that you’re in need of. From there, you’ll be able to follow the ordering steps online and submit it to get the medicine that you need.


Receive Your Follow-Up Email

After your prescription medication is delivered, our team will send out a follow-up email. This is to make sure that you were satisfied with the medication you received and to discover that you were fully taken care of. Your follow up email will invite you to offer up any feedback about the product or service that you experienced.


Post Your Review

Once you’ve filled out your feedback survey, it’s time to post your review! We have several different ways for you to leave us a review. You can either submit your review directly to our site, or you can post it on Google reviews or Yelp! No matter how you choose to review us, we appreciate the feedback. That way we can continue providing customers with quality prescriptions and outstanding services.


Response And Feedback

When your review goes live, our team members will scoot over to check it out! We care deeply about what each one of our clients has to say, which is why we make every effort to reply to each review that we receive. If you left us negative feedback, we’ll send another email or get in touch with you to figure out where we went wrong and how we can make it right. Our team cares deeply about providing satisfying service, affordable medicines, and quality products. If you are not happy with our service, we want to know so that we can get you taken care of and prevent future issues affecting other customers.